Moon Phases
For thousands of years, humans have looked to the moon and its cycles for guidance. There are four main moon phases in every cycle and you can use these cycles to help guide you and use this understanding as a means to practice self-care.
The beginning of the lunar month is what is referred to as the New Moon. This is the time of new beginnings. Use this phase to make plans, set new goals, and intentions. This is a wonderful time to begin a new project.
The second phase is known as the Waxing Phase. This is the period of growth during the moon cycle. This is where you get things moving and start to harness some momentum in your actions.
The Full Moon is considered a time to celebrate everything you have manifested during the waxing moon. The Full Moon brings a feeling of intensity, and is the time to prepare to release what no longer serves you. Reflect on your accomplishments and be mindful of the challenges you faced and what can be done to overcome them.
Next comes the Waning Phase. This phase can be a restorative time to start integrating the new lessons you’ve learned and the experiences you’ve had into your psyche. Now we actively let go of those challenges and limiting beliefs that caused any setbacks during the Waxing Phase.
Finally comes the Dark Moon phase. In the days before the New Moon, this cycle takes place. It is a time for rest and reflection as you prepare for the New Moon ahead.
I hope you find this simple explanation of the moon’s cycles helpful. When it comes down to it, we are all a part of the universe and we are all interconnected. When we can acknowledge this fact and work to align ourselves with the Universe’s natural cycles we can achieve higher vibrations and levels of awareness in ourselves and others.