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The Struggle of Meeting Your Spiritual Needs

Writer: ElleElle

Life happens, right? Sometimes the day to day can be so consuming that it leaves little time for anything else. Work is stressful, home life is energetically depleting, it's hard to find time to ourselves. Everyone seems to want something from us, our time, our presence, our energy. Your boss, your partner, your kids, even society at large wants something from us. But we can't blame them, right, they are only reacting to the boundaries that we have set (or not set).

We run from one thing to the next, trying to cram as much as we can into the day, into the hour. It's easy to lose focus on what is really important when your mind is constantly on overdrive.

In a culture that praises self-sacrifice, it can be difficult to put any part of ourselves first. When people are celebrated for how much work they got done in the day, how many tasks they check off the list, how many other people's lives they made easier, then where is the motivation to pause and take a beat for yourself? It can be especially challenging to meet our own spiritual needs when we are putting everyone else's varied needs first, our spiritual needs tend to be the first on the chopping block. We prioritize basic needs, which, of course we have to, but shouldn't our spiritual needs be part of those? Clothing, food, shelter, and our connection to the Universe. Sounds right to me. Meeting the needs of our mind, body, and soul.

So, what do we do when we come to a realization that our spiritual needs are going unmet? We could do a quick meditation, slap a spell jar together, do some yoga. We could go for a walk, hug a tree, light a candle. Sure that will feel good in the moment, give us that sense of accomplishment, "There I did something for myself," but that instant gratification isn't going to keep us feeling fulfilled.

We need to reprioritize our needs.

We need to reprioritize on a larger scale. We need to take a birds eye look at our hierarchy of needs. Which needs are being met, and whose needs they are. We need to zoom out, look at the big picture, and really find the moments in our lives that could be better spent in pursuit of meeting those spiritual needs.

If we can pull back far enough to see where we can make space to do the things that make us feel connected to the Universe, to the Spirit, then we can start to treat those things as part of our daily lives, rather than an afterthought. If we can see the value of those things, their importance, then it will be easier to integrate them into our day to day lives.

We need to make space for our spiritual needs on the daily. Every once in a while, when we are feeling really low, isn't going to cut it. We need to restructure and recreate our lives into spiritual batteries that will constantly be fulfilling our needs.

What that looks like is going to be different for everyone. It will depend on how you practice your spirituality and what being spiritual means to you. For some, going for a walk regularly and engaging your senses will be enough, for others finding time and space for rituals will be what you need. The specifics of what you need to do to get those needs met isn't the important part, it's making the space to do those things a part of your regular life that's important.

Prioritize your connection to the universe

What am I getting at? What is the TL;DR? Take a step back and reprioritize your daily life to make sure you are doing the things that connect you with the Universe. Find ways to strengthen that connection every day, do not wait until you are so disconnected from your practice that you can't remember what that connection felt like.

This isn't a one shot and your done, this isn't 'light a candle, take a deep breathe and call it good.' This is restructure your life and put your spiritual needs higher on your list of importance. Set boundaries with others if you need to, but make your connection to the Universe a priority.


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