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What Does Self-Love Look Like for You?

Writer's picture: ElleElle

Self-Love can have so many meanings, depending on the person. We all have different ideas and opinions as to what constitutes taking care of ourselves. It's important for your mental health to have an idea of what Self-Love looks like for you as an individual.

There are three main components under the umbrella of Self-Love:

  • You

  • How you move through your life

  • With whom you choose to associate

Self-Love motivates you to make healthier decisions, so let's look at what a healthy decision might look like in each of those components.


Listening to your body, understanding its cues and following them. Eating for nourishment, not mindlessly bingeing in front of the TV. Resting when tired, not pushing yourself to just get one more thing done, listening to your body when it tells you it has had enough. Understanding when you are going through a low point energetically and giving yourself grace. You can't be "on" all the time, and knowing when you need to turn off for a bit is an excellent way to take care of yourself.

Moving through your life

Being authentic in your interactions with those around you and also with yourself. Staying true to your self and following your instincts. Creating opportunities for yourself that are in alignment with what you truly want out of life and seizing those opportunities. Not allowing someone else to dictate what you will do or what you will become. Approaching your life from a place of truth and actively pursuing what makes you happy.

Those around you

Surrounding yourself with people who raise you up, people who genuinely care about your physical, mental, and emotional well being. Removing those that drag you down, that hold you back, from your life. Or at least distancing yourself as much as possible if you cannot remove them completely. Creating boundaries that are in your best interest and adhering to them, even if there is push back from some (they will learn to respect your boundaries as long as you stay firm).

There are a million different things you can do to practice Self-Love, you will need to find the things that resonate with you to make the most impact in your life.

I'll give you some examples here, but to really make a difference in your life, find the things that feel most authentic to you.

Eat healthily and mindfully

Take a luxurious bath

Get a houseplant

Open a window

Keep track of your accomplishments

Move your body


Write in a journal

Express gratitude


Say "No"

Stay hydrated

Create a cozy space

Read a book

Doodle or color

Invest in good quality sheets

Get up with your alarm- No snoozing

Reward yourself

Speak with a therapist

Light a candle

Take a break from your day


Drink a cup of herbal tea

Get a massage

Why is this important to you?

We know that everything is made up of energy, and we use witchcraft to manipulate and direct that energy towards a specific goal. Love is energy, intense positive energy, and starting from a place of Self-Love means working with energy at a higher vibration, giving your practice a noticeable boost. The more Self-Love you carry with you, and the more you allow yourself to express that love, the more the Universe will pick up on your positive output and double down on that for you.

Creating a Self-Love Space

It a great idea to dedicate a space for a Self-Love altar, or at least include items that encourage Self-Love into your altar space. Fill that space with items that remind you of your love for yourself, items that raise your vibration, and remind you that you are more than worthy of the love you have for yourself. Some things may include:

  • Gemstones that represent Self-Love

    • Rose Quartz

    • Rhodochrosite

    • Amazonite

    • Aventurine

    • Rhodonite

    • Carnelian

    • Amethyst

    • Citrine

  • Written affirmations that speak to you

  • Candles

    • Pink

    • Yellow

    • Light Green

  • Herbs or incense or essential oils

    • Rose

    • Lavender

    • Vanilla

    • Jasmine

    • Chamomile

    • Sandalwood

    • Sweet Orange

  • Mementos of accomplishments

  • Photos of yourself that you absolutely love or a mirror

  • A letter to yourself affirming all the things you love about yourself

Create this space somewhere safe and personal to you, allow it room to grow over time as you evolve. Its okay if it feels weird at first, we have been trained to put ourselves last, but as you continue to actively practice Self-Love it will become easier. And one day you will realize you are vibing at a higher level constantly because of this practice.


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