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Working with your Sacral Chakra: Svadhistana

Writer's picture: ElleElle

Svadhistana, your Sacral Chakra, is located at your abdomen. It is connected with the lumbar and sacral spine, the sciatic nerve, the pelvis, and the reproductive system.

Like the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra is instinctive, though it concerns itself with strong emotions. This Chakra is linked to the moon, and by being such, it tends to react to circumstances rather than cause them.

The Sacral Chakra rules over love, sex, your attachment to others, and is the site of many emotions. It is associated with creativity, which extends to creating a family. The motherly nature of this chakra can lead those with balanced Sacral Chakras to professions that involve caring for young people.

The Sacral Chakra is thought to be the largest of the chakras and can cause your stomach and bowels to react when you feel upset or scared. Your intuition or “gut feeling” is here as well.

Overactive Sacral Chakra

When your Sacral Chakra is overactive, or exaggerated, you may find yourself fraught with jealousy or pinning after someone who does not return your feelings. You may find yourself fighting with your loved ones over finances, sex, infidelity, etc. Bullying and violence may make home life unpleasant. You, yourself, may be unpleasant to be around.

This may also lead to addictions such as food, alcohol, or drugs.

Underactive Sacral Chakra

When your Sacral Chakra is underactive, or deficient, you may feel nervous, afraid, and vulnerable. You may avoid relationships for fear of getting hurt. This may be a temporary situation, stemming from emotional hurt, but those with more permanent underactive Sacral Chakras may be so focused on their work that they may not feel the need for family or love interests. Some may prefer the company of animals to people.

If your underactive Sacral Chakra is from a temporary state of sadness, you may find talking with a good friend, life coach, or psychotherapist may help to bring your Sacral Chakra into balance.

Sacral Chakra and Your Health

The Sacral Chakra is said to represent the reproductive system in women, as well as the spleen in men. Here are a few of the common Sacral Chakra health complaints: eating problems, thrush, candida, prostate problems, sterility, incontinence, vaginal problems, sciatica, lumbago, and eczema.

Healing Your Sacral Chakra

There are many ways to heal your Chakras. Working with an energy healer is an excellent way to jumpstart the healing process for you. Energy healing is a noninvasive therapy where the healer uses their connection to the Universe to channel energy through themselves and direct that energy, through their hands, to your Chakras.

If you wish to work on your Chakras alone, you can always develop your connection to the Universe and channel your own healing energy. White light with blue flecks for health, pale green flecks for emotional healing, or pale lavender flecks for spiritual healing.

Physical objects may aid in your Chakra healing, such as crystals, things of certain colors, or essential oils.

Use cleansed and charged crystals for Chakra healing, hold them in your hands and envision the crystal directing its energy into your Chakra. Crystals that are linked to your Sacral Chakra are:

  • Amber

  • Aventurine

  • Carnelian

  • Citrine

  • Tiger’s Eye

  • Coral

  • Jasper

  • Moonstone

  • Fire Opal

  • Topaz

  • Peach Selenite

  • Orange Calcite

  • Sunstone

Essential Oils may also be used to heal and align your Chakras, though it is best to speak with a qualified aromatherapist before you use essential oils because they can have an effect on the entire body. Make sure to use a carrier oil if you are applying the oil directly to your skin, or, to be safer, add a few drops into your bath or a diffuser.

Essential Oils for the Sacral Chakra are:

  • Clary Sage

  • Jasmine

  • Cinnamon

  • Rose

  • Citrus

  • Geranium

  • Ginger

Color Healing is another interesting way to heal your Chakras. Color healing is a way of introducing color to the chakras to produce a specific outcome. Anything will work, a piece of ribbon, large buttons, marbles, or a scrap of material. As long as the color is bright and clear. Plain color is better than patterned.

Place the colored item either next to the chakra or on top of the chakra, visualize a white energy coming from the Universe, as it passes through the item, it takes on the color of that item and directs itself to the chakra being healed.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color Orange. Orange is useful for abdominal ailments such as bladder or hip problems.

Lastly, another way to use Color Healing is to eat fruits and vegetables in the color associated with the Chakra for a day or two.

Fruits and vegetables including:

  • Oranges

  • Tangerines

  • Carrots

  • Apricots

  • Orange Peppers

I hope you find this information helpful when working with your Sacral Chakra.

Reference: Chakra Healing: Your Personal Guide by Roberta Vernon


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